Modellismo militare

Diorama Reconnaissance to the east - Sd.kfz 222 Tristar 1/35 - Italian text - English text

19.01.2013 23:48

Reconnaissance to the east

Sd.Kfz 222

Tristar 1/35 cod. 043


La realizzazione di questo modello è stata pianificata insieme a miei amici modellisti Andrea Sala e Luciano Esposito, con l'intento di costruire lo stesso kit contemporaneamente ed interpretarlo diversamente.

Mentre i miei valenti amici modellisti hanno completato l'impresa in modo veloce, io ho perso un bel pò di tempo nel realizzarlo, anche a causa di alcune difficoltà rilevate durante il montaggio che mi hanno conviento per un pò di tempo di accantonare questo progetto.

Ma poichè avevo un impegno alla fine ho deciso di portarlo a termine.

Il kit si presenta connumero stampate in color giallo sabbia, molto dettagliate e colme di piccoli pezzi da assemblare. Completano il corredo del kit una piccola lastra fotoincisa, le ruote in gomma, uno sprue con i trasparenti e le decal.


Il foglio di istruzioni è molto dettagliato ma in alcuni punti trae in inganno, consiglio l'utilizzo di documentazione alla mano per evitare errori.

Il montaggio si è rivelato abbastanza complesso a causa di alcuni problemi, il primo riguarda il pavimento del mezzo che erroneamente non presenta il pavimento antisdrucciolo presente nelle realtà. Ho cercato di ovviare al problema pensado e provando diverse soluzioni ma alla fine ho deciso di lasciare il tutto senza modifiche.

La chiusura dei due gusci di scafo ri presenta problematica ed occorrono numerose prove a secco prima di procedere all'incollaggio (ovviamente dopo aver colorato gli interni).

Il sistema arma è complesso da montare ed ancora più complesso da far entrare dentro lo scafo, anche in questo caso suggerisco svariate prove a secco prima di procedere.


Questo tipo di kit è utile colorarlo in sottoinsiemi e solamente in seguito assemblerli tra loro altrimenti la colorazione diventa impossibile.

Ho steso un leggero strato di primer Tamiya su tutti i blocchi , uno strato più pesante l'ho spruzzato sulle gomme in modo da isolarle dai successivi trattamenti aggressivi (white spirit ecc )

La colorazione degli interni è stata effettuata con acrilici Tamiya e Vallejo, uno strato di Future ha protetto il colore di fondo dalle successive lavorazioni e per facilitare il lining ad olio.

I pannelli sono stati evidenziati ad olio diluito in WS, le scrostature sono state effettuate con una spugnetta imbevuta di colore, tamponata in un foglio di carta assorbente e dopo tamponata sul modello.

Come accennato in precedenza la chiusura dei gusci di scafo è complessa, io consigli di seguire il montaggio come in figura e tenere in posizione fino a completa asciugatura

Allo scafo sono stati aggiunti altri dettagli. Si notano i telai aggiunti (non previsti nel kit) nelle protezioni antigranate.


Colorazione di fondo con XF63 tAMIYA

Strato di Future per proteggere la base e per favorire l'applicazione dele decal. Alcune insegne sono state realizzate con la mascherine adesive delle Eduard.

Passata di lacca per capelli, questa base servirà per ottenere le scrostature delle mimetica invernale.


Si proteggono le insegne con apposito prodotto 3m e si passa un leggero strato di XF2 tamiya

Con un pennello a setole leggermente ruvide e acqua tiepida si inizia ad agire in piccole zone, l'acqua scioglie la lacca che sciogliendosi scrosta il colore soprastante ottenendo un effetto molto realistico

Le scostature sono state ulteriormente implementate per forme e dimensioni dalla tecnica della spugna

Con White Spirit e colori a olio molto scuri ho effettuato dei lavaggi mirati nei vari recessi per dare profondità al modello

Questo è il modello ultimato , è stato trattato anche con pigmenti, gesso e colla vinilica per riprodurre il fanzo nelle zone inferiori del modello.

L'amico Alberto Cazzavillan si è offerto di dipingere l'equipaggio di questa 222, proposta che ho subito accettato.


Ecco l'equipaggio !!

Piccola isba autostruita con canapa da idraulica e steli di asfodelo.



il pozzo in legno è della Bastion35 con piccole modifiche

Foto del diorama completato. Il suolo è realizzato con sabbia fine setacciata, pigmento Russian Eart di Mig, vinavil e acqua. La neve è realizzata con microsfere , vinavil e acqua, il fogliame con foglie secche naturali tritate.


michelangelo sicilia - gennaio 2013


English text

The Sd.Kfz 222 armored car was a 4-wheel drive and 4 wheel steering, replacing the old version Sd.Kfz 221. Production began in 1935 and was completed in June 1943 with the 5th series.In total, from 1st to 5th series, were produced 990 units. It was subject to various modifications during its history , such as the upgrading of weapon and armor, the change of visors , etc..But it was also subject to change on field by the repart of destination. The crew consisted of 3 members, the commander, the weapon's men and the pilot. It was used in various theaters of war, from the hot terrain of Africa at the snow of Russia.The operational career went ceasing as the reconnaissance units were equipped with armoured cars with superior characteristics , the famous german half-tracks.


The model

The Tristar's kit it's cod. 35043, comes with 6 styrene sprues , the details are very fine, also includes two sheets of PE, metal spring shock absorbers, a clear sprue for visors and 4 tires in vinyl very well sculpted. The kit allows to realize a SD.KFZ. mid production.

For reference I used the book PANZER TRACTS NO.13-1 shows that it's the reproduction of an exemple of the 4 series , it was produced in 232 units from September 1940 to December 1941. The decal sheet includes the construction of 3 armoured cars, one of Großdeutschland in Russia, 1942, a car of the 20 Panzer Division in Russia 43 and an exemplary operating at Bulargian Army, Hungary 1945.


The instruction sheet has great designs well depicted but in some points are not clear , it's possible to make confusion and therefore care must be taken during to the building.

From the beginning I decided to build the model into subsets in order to simplify the subsequent painting operation.

The first three steps involve the construction of the chassis, of the transmission components and shock absorbers. There is a system of levers that can make steering wheels. In Step 1, the 4 pieces F-7 occur within a round plug from 1 mm to delete, for a contact most suitable. You have to make attention to the axle shafts that are not symmetrical, which is not very clear in the instructions. In Step 3, you must pay attention to the blocks composed of pieces F-10, F-9 and F-14. It is not clear the correct position , the documentation is required.

Once assembled these steps , are very obvious cracks to be filled, even if they are not certain when the tires are mounted , if this imperfections are visible. Another problem are the signs of the extractors in the inner part of the chassis, that must be filled with putty.(FIG. 1-2).The wheels are vinyl, they have a great detail. After some doubt about the performance over time I decided to use them anyway. (FIG. 3).The model is complete with interior, with many details, but it stands out a serious problem in my opinion, in the floor there are not the antislip, the problem isn't indifferent. After several attempts, I decided to take no action on this particular piece that is not very visible from the outside.I replaced the net in the wall of separation combat /engine compartment , with a plastic net more realistic. The grenade's containers to be improved with the help of the documentation.


Some suggestions

In step 8 I recommend immediately assemble the gear E32 (instead provided in step 10) before gluing the block E17 on E7.

In step 9 attention to the piece E42, it should be mounted perpendicular to the weapon and not as indicated in the instruction sheet.

Warning piece E10 , there aren't the pins for the correct assembly, you must glued it with carefully.

The piece E33 glued after E16.

In step 11, the piece E35 to be installed with care because they lack the assembly references inside the vehicle. I suggest to see the documentation.

The rails for mounting the workpiece C33 board to eliminate them and replace them with metal sheets.

In step 11, I omitted the piece D8 because, after checking the documentation, in my opinion should not be mounted.

I suggest mount The jack after closing the two halves of the hull.

The step 15, I suggest to replace the part B9 with sheet or thin plastic card and add bolts.

In step 16 , after viewing old photos, in my opinion the kit is missing an internal bracket to the network anti grenade, I've rebuilt it with a piece of evergreen streep 0.50 mm.

The assembly of the weapon system is proved to be quite complex, even at this stage there are small errors in the instructions, solved it with good photos of documentation. Following the instruction sheet , you proceed with the assembly of numerous small pieces that make up the various details of the kit, some of which are reproduced very well, finally to the completion of the two hulls, the weapon,etc.

These will be assembled togheter at a later time, after the painting of the interior, but it is in this phase that must to be make numerous tests of assembly of different parts of car. (FIG. 4) This is certain the most critical phase of the general building , in fact is complex the closure of the two hulls because they do not fit together perfectly and the related introduction of the weapon (prevented by the presence of the radio, if fitted as per instructions).
I suggest to see the pictures of the article to have clearer solution to the problem.



This phase is initiated with a base of tamiya primer on all model and a thicker layer on the wheels in vinyl (FIG.5). Then I used the Tamiya white for the inside of the hull, while the floor is dark gray. At this stage i have painted all the interior details and have reproduced the scratches and dirty with a sponge and a dark color, then I have sprayed a coat of Future to facilitate the profiling of the details with the Vandyke Brown W & N oil paint(Fig. 6).

After a few days, after the complete drying, we proceed to gluing of the two hulls. (Fig. 7), then proceed with the installation of the other details such as fenders, lights, etc. and then with the paint of details. (FIG. 8 – 9)

For the radio equipment I found the solution of mount it , visible in the picture, naturally must first decide on the location of the weapon and then locate the radio since the latter was fixed to the turret (FIG.10).

After I have protect the interior s details for the next phase of coloring, with a soft sponge (FIG.11), after I have sprayed the first layer of Tamiya German Grey (XF63) (FIG.12), then when it's drying , I have sprayed of a thin layer of future (FIG.13) to protect the bottom layer and to facilitate the application of the decal.

For the realization of a very worn winter camouflage I decided to use the technique of lacquer, I have sprayed two layers of hairspray (FIG. 14), I have apply the decals from kit (the balkencreutz it's realized with eduard mask), I have protected the insigna with product similar of blue tac, after I have sprayed a thin coat of white Tamiya XF2. (FIG.15).

After waiting about 15 minutes, with a soft brush and warm water, I gently began to act in areas where I intended to degrade the white paint. I suggest to work in small areas at a time. (FIG.16a/16b), add more paint chips with Humbrol enamel 67 and a sponge. (FIG.17). Are stained external details, the details are emerging with oil paint with dark colors, so you start of dirtying the 222 in low areas, with sprinkling of earthy of Vallejo (FIG.18), followed by Russian earth Mig pigments (FIG .19) and Future for fix everything (FIG.20). The dried mud is played with pigment and clear white spirit, you deposit a small amount on a brush that stands between model and airbrush. The air airbrush will spread the mud in a realistic way (FIG.21). All other details prepared previously are mounted on model and the 222 is finished. (FIG. 22a/22b/22c/22d/22e).



I wanted to make a small scene and simple to highlight the little model. I decided to represent a reconnaissance patrol in Russia in 1942 winter, so I made ​​an angle of isba with sprigs of Asphodel pasted on a cardboard structure (D1, D2, D3), and the roof reproducing with hemp(D4, D5 , D6). I finished the various layers of the roof with a pair of scissors (D7), then with a mixture of oil paint very diluted white spirit, I colored the roof in a more realistic colour (D8).

After drying I made ​​the roof more solid wetting it with a sponge, water and PVA glue (D9).

The well is a reference to the Bastion35, I made ​​a few small changes (D10, D11) and then with a shade of gray I aged all to even out the color of the wood of the well to the isba (D12). To get the rope of the bucket is perfectly vertical, I applied at the lower end the lead weights fishing, getting the desired result. (D13).

The base is a frame Ikea to which I added a rise in plasticard and filling the base with styrofoam for building (D14, D15, D16).

I made the ground with fine sand, pigment earth Russian Mig, Polyfilla, PVA glue and water, the mixture was placed on the base and before harden I got the prints isba, the well, and the armoured car(D17 ). The snow was made with microspheres, PVA glue and water, deposited only in some areas (D18, D19, D20, D21). The grass is made with hemp and posidonia I sprinkled on the ground same leaves obtained from true chopped leaves, I finally concluded by passing a light coat of Future to simulate the wet terrain (D22).

I concluded this work glued the 222 car and figures on base with glue.

I have to thank Alberto Cazzavillan for painted the beautifull crews for sdkfz 222 and Paolo Todaro for the suggestions for the realization of isba.


Documentation: PANZER TRACTS NO. 13-1

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michelangelo sicilia 2013

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